How To Have Your Most Motivated Month

With a new month starting in just a week (wild) I thought it was a great idea to share how to have your most motivated month. New months to me are like any other fresh start! Every month I try to look at it like everything I want to accomplish is within reach!

How To Have Your Most Motivated Month

Set goals: If you don’t have goals it’s hard to be motivated to do anything. These don’t have to be crazy goals just attainable, realistic things to accomplish that month. That way you know where to focus your motivation.

Wake up early every day: I find that waking up early is the best way to achieve most goals. I like feeling like I’ve accomplished something before the sun comes up! Early mornings are a great time to work out, get ready for the day, do a few computer tasks you’ve been putting off, etc.

List out the things you are grateful for: I find that when I think about all the things I am grateful for I get even more motivated! Thinking of my babies, my husband, our home, etc makes me work even harder.

Check-in with yourself: Check in with yourself on how your goals are going, if you need more motivation, and what you can do to attain the things you want this month!

Have a reward in mind: Sometimes kids need bribes and sometimes adults do too! I know if I have a big goal to accomplish or I know I need to really motivate myself I have a reward in mind. Maybe it’s just my normal coffee after my workout or maybe it’s new shoes if I hit a big income goal. Whatever it is a reward definitely doesn’t hurt!

Say no to things that do not bring you joy: Nothing gets in the ways of motivation like being pulled in 100 directions. One thing I majorly need to work on is saying YES too much. I am really trying to say no more to things that don’t bring me joy or bring positivity to my life.

What do you do to stay motivated?

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