It’s Not the Answer

“He will always be a part of my story,” I said as we stared out over the city from our mountaintop perch. “He brought my entire world to a halt and completely altered the course of my life. And while I may be able to remember everything from a distance now, I will never forget …

The Fearless Pursuit of Your Dreams

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” ~Paulo Coelho I have seven nieces and nephews and not a day goes by where I don’t find myself in awe of them. They constantly amaze me—the new things they learn, how they perceive the world, and the questions …

All Goodbyes Lead to Hellos

I’m good at goodbyes. And I should be, I’ve been saying them regularly since I was eight years old. When my parents divorced and we began the shuffle back and forth between houses. Saying goodbye to someone I loved became a normal weekly thing. I remember when I was leaving for college with my high …

Initiate Your Own Uniqueness

The anatomy of the various human body parts has physical reasons for existing and psycho-emotional, energetic reasons for existing. These parts are interrelated throughout your life and play off of each other to create what you experience as what is called: “the time of your life.” In this play, your feet are the direction that your life …

How Our Personal Consciousness Affects Collective Consciousness

What is Collective Consciousness? What is the “collective consciousness?” How is it created? How can it benefit our world, and when is our personal consciousness a part of that? When individuals work on understanding their consciousness, and start living a more mindful life, they are contributing to a higher consciousness that impacts others positively. Collective …

With Daily Practice Shift Happens

The Universe is not a linear event that can be studied, and proven out, through logic, or double blind studies. It’s both a hologram within countless holograms, and a mirror of your consciousness reflecting images and experiences from the programming of your evolutionary history and future destiny. Your consciousness is an assemblage of all these images and …

Gardening with Mum

My mother and I shared a love of flowers. As a child I worked alongside my mother as she tended her gardens. Then when I was ten years old my father cleared a swath of our back yard so that I could have a garden of my own. I practiced my skills on marigolds and …